Honesty is the first step to an abundant life.
Our students usually understand the difference between truth and lies, but don’t always think past the immediate consequences and potential long term ramifications of being dishonest. It is always fun to see the great variety of life skill “homework” our students complete each session, and learn their thoughts and observations. These are some of the projects from December, 2022.
The ATA focuses on more than developing winning athletes, and the ATA website has this to share about honesty: “To be honest is to obey our conscience. It means to have the courage to confront the consequences of our actions no matter what price we may have to pay. It is to take responsibility for our actions and to be accountable.” Looking further at the pillars of honesty, we can find ways to bring our honesty to the next level.
Accountability. Accountability is having the integrity to follow through with
commitments and the willingness to face the consequences when we don’t. It is
to take responsibility for our actions. Honest people do what they promise to, and
when they don’t they are ready to face the consequences.
Humility. Humility is being responsible enough to accept that we are not perfect
and we make mistakes. It is being open to the possibility that sometimes we are
wrong, being prepared to recognize our errors and make it right. Honest people
have the humility to accept their shortcomings and are prepared to admit their
mistakes. Most importantly, people with humility will learn from their mistakes.
Integrity. Integrity is living consistently with our values and principles and making
the right choices. It is when our thoughts, words, and our actions match and
make sense. It means to speak what you think and do what you say. Honest
people speak the truth and keep their word.
Honor. Honor is dignity; it is the biggest display of self-respect. Honor is a form
of pride in who we are and how we behave. Honest people have a great sense of
honor and understand that being dishonest would be to betray themselves.
Courage. Courage is strength is the face of pain or grief. Honest people have
the courage to confront any suffering that may come from being truthful.
Self-Esteem. Self-esteem is the joy of being ourselves. Honest people value
self-esteem so much that they hold themselves to the highest moral standards.